Agathiyar Bala Rishi Ashram

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About Balarishi K.Balamurugan

He was born in Vaitheeswaran Koil, Tamil Nadu, India in traditional Astrologer’s family. He is a great Jeeva Naadi Astrologer (It is like a live thing happening. It is mainly concerned with Gnana and Nakshatra), and Spiritualist with 22 years of experience. He became an expert and independent reader at the age of 18 because his father, Grandfather and great grandfather were astrologers and into traditional Jeeva Naadi prediction and medicine and had a very good name in society.

The background was rich of education in reading Jeeva Naadi, prestige and culture for many generations. For the Past 22 years he has been offering his Jeeva Nadi astrology expertise to thousands of clients in India as well as abroad and making a difference to their lives.

He is expert in giving accurate predictions/remedy to all sorts of problems using his expertise in Jeeva Naadi astrology and astrological unique techniques. He visited many countries to provide Astrological Consultations.

How to Seek Nadi Astrology Online Predictions?

In Online Nadi Astrology, predictions are obtained from Nadi Leafs using one’s Thump Impression. “For Males the Right Hand Thumb Impression and for Females the Left Thumb Impression is Used”.

For each thumb impression there are likely to be around five to six bundles; each such bundle in turn containing 50 to 100 leaves. In Nadi Astrology these plam leafes are catalogued as per the signs on the thumb print. The seeker’s thumb print is used to approximately locate the closest bundle of leaves.

Your Horoscope













List of Nadi Chapters

It is mandatory to order chapter 1 before ordering any other chapters. This alone guarantees whether are not a holy script is written for you and exists.

General Chapter
Family Chapter
Siblings Chapter
New Born baby Chapter
Pregnancy's Chapter
Children Chapter
Debt Chapter
Disease Chapter
Marriage Chapter
Longevity Chapter
Wealth Chapter
Luck Chapter
Career Chapter
Second Marriage Chapter
Profit Chapter
Expenditure Chapter
Shanthi Chapter
Deeksha Chapter
Aushada Chapter
Dashabukhthi Chapter

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